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Technical renovation office Petridis Nikolaos - Oil painting - Techniques - Thermal facades - Placing tiles
- Plasterboards - Electrical Installations - Plumbing Installations - Peristeri Attica


The technical renovation office Petridis Nikolaos is a reliable and specialized company based in Peristeri, Attica. With more than two decades of experience in the field of renovations, the office has earned its reputation as one of the most reliable partners in the industry.

Distinctions on the website douleutaras.gr:
The website douleutaras.gr recognizes Petridis Nikolaos technical office as one of the pioneers in the field of renovations. The company has received distinctions and recognitions for the high quality of its services and its professional approach. This is reflected in a number of awards and distinctions they have received.

Over 20 customer reviews:
The trust of the customers is capital for the Petridis Nikolaos technical office. With over 20 reviews from satisfied customers, the company has proven its ability to provide services that exceed the expectations of its customers. Positive reviews and recommendations from their customers are the basis of their success.

"Highly Trusted Company" Certificate:
The company Petridis Nikolaos holds the "Highly Reliability Company" certificate, which confirms its dedication to quality, professional ethics and accuracy in every project it undertakes. This distinction confirms its ability to provide high-level services and its efficiency in the execution of renovation projects.

Overall, Petridis Nikolaos Renovation Technical Office is a reliable choice for customers looking for high quality renovations and professional service. The company is committed to continuing its course towards better serving the needs of its customers and upgrading the renovation industry.